Greenville Celebrates Hope Academy Graduates – Three Students Reach Milestone in Their Education

Proud graduates celebrating achievement.

Greenville Celebrates Hope Academy Graduates

Three Students Reach Milestone in Their Education

On August 16, the city of Greenville witnessed a significant moment as three students celebrated their graduation from Hope Academy, a program under the Project Hope Foundation. This marked the school’s third high school graduation in its 27-year history. The graduates, Christopher Thompson, Eli Leathers, and Asher McMullen, each received a high school certificate accredited by the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA).

Hope Academy is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for students with autism, from kindergarten through high school. The school not only meets SCISA graduation standards but also tailors its curriculum to fit the individual needs of its students, as noted by Susan Sachs, co-founder and co-executive director of the foundation.

Joyful Celebrations

The graduation ceremony brought together friends, family, and community members to honor the achievements of these young individuals. Spartanburg Police Chief Alonzo Thompson, father of graduate Christopher, expressed immense pride, stating, “There’s a lot of obstacles and hurdles life throws your way such as autism in our family’s case. But today, he reached the threshold.” He emphasized that this graduation represented a transition from childhood to young adulthood for his son.

As part of the ceremony, all three graduates were recognized for their hard work and determination throughout their educational journey. Families took pride in seeing their loved ones accomplishing this important milestone, and the community came together to support their achievements.

A Bright Future Ahead

With this graduation, Hope Academy continues its mission of helping students with special needs gain vital educational skills. The program remains a vital resource in the community, offering year-round support and tailored education to foster growth and independence among its students.

As these graduates move forward, they carry with them the skills and experiences gained at Hope Academy, ready to face new challenges and opportunities ahead.

HERE Greenville
Author: HERE Greenville

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