Adderall, Botox, and a B12 shot: The Plausible Aspect of Trump’s Claim That Biden Will Be ‘Pumped Up’ Between Drugs At Upcoming Debate
Former President Donald Trump alleged earlier this week that President Biden will be “pumped up” on performance-enhancing measures for the upcoming CNN debate. While some people viewed the speculation as ungrounded bluster, a handful of private physicians who cater to high-profile clientele shared with the New York Post that various methods – from customized cocktails of drugs to other treatments – are often utilized by VIPs to guarantee optimal performance during significant events.
Popular Performance ‘Boosters’
Ranging from peptide infusions to promote brain power, Botox to circumvent a sweaty brow under the hot lights, Adderall for improved focus, to the aforementioned “shot in the butt”, these tactics aren’t uncommon.
“Post-graduate students, medical students, people who work in banking or finance, Wall Street-type people, big real estate moguls…” Victoria Corabi, a nurse practitioner, and founding partner of Beauté Aesthetics in New York City listed among customers who seek such treatments.
Customary Favorites: NAD Therapy and Peptide Infusions
Among the rich and influential, Corabi elaborated, peptide infusions and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) therapy are common favorites. NAD therapy is hailed for its potential to alleviate anxiety and minimize stress, while peptide infusions aid in enhancing mental sharpness. The treatment consists of giving peptides, which are smaller chains of amino acids present in the human body and play versatile roles in functions like digestion, tissue repair, hormone production, and muscle growth, intravenously.
“NADs work on your cells at the basic level and can really impact your brain cells, personality, and cognitive areas.” Corabi added, on a hopeful note, that these mood and performance-enhancing agents might help the candidates, both in their 80s, “feel more naturally calm and be more articulate.”
Vitamin B12 Shots, Botox and Adderall: Energy, Sweat, and Attention
Vitamin B12 shots are another popular pick for a last-minute energy boost. Administered in the upper thigh or buttock, B12 jabs can help increase vitality levels and enhance focus. Also on the list is the popular ADHD medication Adderall, recognized for improving alertness and attention levels. Botox, on the other hand, is known to help control excessive sweating under the heat of the stage lights.
Controversy Surrounding Allegations
Indeed, neither of the health professionals could confirm if either politician has partaken of these treatments – they have never cared for Biden or Trump. Yet neither is illegal, and both may provide a much-needed advantage in what is sure to be a heated re-match.
In spite of the lack of concrete evidence supporting Trump’s claims, the medical tricks of the trade used by high-profile individuals, including politicians, before major public appearances make them not entirely implausible. As the 2024 presidential race heats up and the nation’s attention gets more focused on the candidates’ cognitive and physical vigor, the debate about what means are acceptable to ensure a strong performance will undoubtedly continue.
Tags: 2024 Presidential Debates, Donald Trump, Drugs, Joe Biden, Performance-enhancing drugs, Prescription drugs