Greenville Summit Explores Growth and Community Engagement for a Brighter Future

Community Collaboration in Action

Greenville Takes a Deep Dive into Growth and Community

On September 11th, the vibrant city of Greenville buzzed with energy as community leaders, residents, and change-makers gathered for the annual Upstate summit organized by Ten at the Top. This year’s theme was all about the multifaceted idea of growth, a word that resonates deeply in discussions about both the future of communities and the economy.

Setting the Tone with Inspiration

The day kicked off at the Greenville Convention Center with inspiring keynote speakers who urged attendees to think creatively about their influence on the future. First up was local spoken-word artist, Dove Dupree, who captivated the audience with his performance. He invited everyone to consider how we can all contribute positively to our communities through our unique gifts. “Let’s leave this world a little better than we found it,” he encouraged, prompting attendees to reflect on their roles in fostering change.

Looking Ahead

The second keynote speaker, Rebecca Ryan, a nationally recognized futurist and strategic planning consultant, took the stage to lay out some key trends likely to impact the Upstate in the coming decade. Ryan painted a picture of the attendees as *architects of the future*, emphasizing the idea that each individual has a role in shaping the environment around them. “We are architects of the future,” she said, “by the words we say, by the things we do or don’t do.”

What followed was a rundown of five major trends that Ryan believes will influence the way communities function moving forward. She emphasized the importance of being not only aware of immediate everyday realities but also tuned into deeper social dynamics. “Being aware of these changes allows us to anticipate and adapt,” she stated.

Understanding the Trends

The trends described by Ryan highlight some real challenges that the Upstate will face:

  1. Polarization: Ryan explained a concept she referred to as schismogenesis, which describes the tendency toward division in society, particularly worsened by social media echo chambers.
  2. Community Engagement: Effective solutions for confronting these divisions lie in community connection and nurturing positive cultures.
  3. Economic Evolution: As growth continues, so does the need to adapt local economies and prepare for shifts in industries and workforce needs.
  4. Demographic Changes: Population growth in the Upstate brings both opportunities and challenges regarding housing, resources, and infrastructure.
  5. Technological Advancement: With rapid innovation comes the challenge of ensuring equitable access to technology for all community members.

An Invitation to Collaborate

Ryan encouraged everyone in the room to not only acknowledge these trends but to actively engage in shaping their outcomes. “Culture walks on two feet,” she remarked, underlining that it’s people and community efforts that will ultimately define the Upstate’s future. “When we come together to collaborate, we can tackle these issues head-on.”

The summit featured various breakout sessions and panel discussions designed to foster collaboration and spark dialogue around these themes. Participants left with a renewed sense of hope and a toolkit of ideas to translate their learnings back into their respective communities.


The annual Upstate summit was more than just an event; it served as a launching pad for important conversations about how we can collectively navigate growth in Greenville and beyond. With so much change on the horizon, the gathering reinforced the idea that by coming together and leveraging our **combined talents**, we can build a brighter, more inclusive future.

HERE Greenville
Author: HERE Greenville

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