Former SC Senator Accused in Charleston Hit-and-Run Incident

Traffic camera footage analysis

Former SC Senator Accused in Charleston Hit-and-Run Incident

In a startling turn of events, former state senator John Robert Kuhn, 61, was recently charged in connection with a hit-and-run incident in downtown Charleston. The incident, captured on video, depicts Kuhn knocking down a Good Samaritan who confronted him about an alleged vehicular accident that had occurred moments earlier.

Hit-and-Run Details

The incident took place on March 7th around 4 pm, as mentioned by a teenage driver who was a witness and victim of the collision. According to the account, she had halted to make a left turn on Columbus Street when Kuhn reportedly overtook her vehicle from the left side, hitting her driver’s side-mirror in the process. Video footage later revealed how Kuhn allegedly drove off post the collision and was confronted by a man at a traffic signal on Meeting Street. Bizarrely, after the man refused to give way, Kuhn apparently hit him with his vehicle and sped off onto Columbus Street.

Law Enforcement’s Intervention

Closer inspection reveals that the investigating officers managed to identify Kuhn as the suspected driver, thanks to footage from traffic cam-corders. Additionally, the cell phone footage of Kuhn colliding with the man was handed over to the authorities. The next day, when Kuhn was questioned about the incident, he acknowledged being present in the same area at the time of the collision, but claimed to have no knowledge of hitting the teenager’s side mirror. Kuhn however, agreed to bear the expenses for the incurred damages.

Kuhn’s Past and Legal Chart

For those unfamiliar with Kuhn’s background, he is the managing partner of the Kuhn & Kuhn Law Firm, with his political career including a tenure as a state senator for District 43 (representing parts of Berkeley County and Charleston County) from 2001 to 2004. However, his driving record has been marred by numerous infractions in the past. According to S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles and court records, he has been cited for 16 separate traffic violations since 2008. These violations include four instances of reckless driving and five speeding tickets within the past decade alone, marking a careless driving ticket in February 2024, just weeks before the March 7 incident.

The Charges

In light of the recent incident, Kuhn was charged on March 14th with a hit-and-run with property damage to an attended vehicle, alongside improper passing. He was consequently detained at the Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center and released on the same day on a bond amounting to $10,232.

Pending Response

Despite several attempts to reach out to Kuhn for comments and to raise inquiries about the charges against him, there has been no response from his end, nor from his law firm.

Social Response

Public reaction to this incident remains strong with many calling for comprehensive legal review and urging for stringent driving regulations. Updates on the court proceedings are eagerly awaited by local residents and followers of this case.

HERE Greenville
Author: HERE Greenville

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