Students and faculty honored during 2024 Commencement
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At the 2024 commencement ceremony for the Class of 2024, student and faculty awards and honors were handed out at Furman University by President Elizabeth Davis. The event was a celebration of academic excellence and dedication.
General Excellence Awards
The Donaldson-Watkins and the Bradshaw-Feaster Medals for General Excellence were awarded to outstanding senior graduates based on scholarship, participation in college activities, and high moral character. Saluda Abigail (Abby) Stapleton received the Donaldson-Watkins Medal, while the Bradshaw-Feaster Medal was presented to Caroline Graham Brawley.
Scholarship Cup
The prestigious Furman University Scholarship Cup was awarded to candidates with the highest grade-point average, each achieving a perfect academic record. This year, the Scholarship Cups were awarded to Brawley, Stapleton, Logan Manning Coffee, Gabrielle Lisette Fehler, Christina Hunter Fleming, and Joshua Richmond Hutson.
Meritorious Teaching and Advising
The Alester G. Furman Jr. and Janie Earle Furman Award for Meritorious Advising recognized Veronica Lee Flores and Kevin Richmond Hutson for their exceptional academic advising, while Matthew Shepard Feigenbaum received the award for Meritorious Teaching.
The Chiles-Harrill Award, chosen by the senior class, was presented to Andy Coe for his significant influence on the class, making him an honorary member of the graduating class.
Retiring Faculty
The ceremony also acknowledged retiring faculty members who dedicated a combined total of 200 years to the university. Faculty retirees included Laura Ellen Baker, William Mebane Baker, Carmen Sofía Kearns, Savita Nair, Jay Edward Oney, Marian Elizabeth Strobel, and Suzanne Burger Summers.